Looking for Chicwish reviews? We are too! Wanna know if we’re legit? Let us prove it! We care a lot about what you think of our clothing, customer service, and your overall shopping experience. Your friends at Chicwish also scour the internet just like you do, checking out what you have to say about the brand. We want you to love your picks from us! When you don’t love them, we want to rectify that. When you do adore your stuff, of course, we want to celebrate with you! Consider this series our love letter to you wonderful supporters as we continuously work to improve your experience.
“Is Chicwish worth it?” That’s a popular question (although not quite as popular as “Is Chicwish legit?” or “Is Chicwish a scam?”). Style blogger and YouTuber Alina Rekshta shared LOTS of thoughts that might help you explore that further in her latest YouTube video.

We’d consider her an authority on the quality of the brand at this point, as she has been trying out our clothes for quite some time, according to her video intro. For the record, she is not a paid style blogger for Chicwish.
Alina Rekshta walked her followers through a series of Chicwish pieces she’s bought over the years which includes skirts, sweaters, dresses, and more. The piece she gushes over the most is our Sequin Floral Chunky Knit Sweater ($69.90), which she actually wore in the video.

“I got it maybe a week ago and I am in love,” Rekshta gushed in the video as she showed off our beautiful top. “It is so festive… I really like it. I love how chunky it is but it’s also pretty lightweight. So, it’s not really heavy…”
“It’s also really, really pleasant feeling,” Rekshta elaborated. “Sometimes, when you buy sweaters, especially a wool one, it’s like itchy. It makes your body itchy. This one is very soft and really feels nice on you…”

Alina Rekshta also raved about how well the sweater was made in her review, more specifically about the quality and placement of the sporadic party sequins. Here’s a close-up for your personal viewing pleasure.

She loved the sweater so much that it’s actually her second time buying it! Rekshta initially bought this blue version of the sequin floral knit sweater.

Unfortunately, the blue version of this sweater is sold out (a true crowd’s favorite!), but you can still grab it in the white and black versions.